Week 19: Reilly and Fred

The Trio

Well it's been another fast week out here in the good ol desert. The weeks seem to be flying by as of late and the P-Days come and go quickly. It has been cooling down faster than my body can acclimate to so the cool 60 degrees that we get when the sun goes down is a little too cold which I never thought I would say a few weeks ago. However, the cool weather has made it infinitely easier to do missionary work. Not walking into a hair dryer feels amazing!

Something else that makes the missionary work easier is some added company. This is Reilly:
Reilly started walking with us while we were tracting up in North Adelanto (straight ghetto). He didn't try to bite us after a few minutes so we figured he wasn't too dangerous. Reilly would come right up to the doors with us so we used this as an easy way to start talking to people. We would ask them if they were missing a dog or knew where it belonged. Sadly we never actually found where his home is but he walked with us for a good 40 minutes or so.  

This is Fred:
Just like Reilly, we found Fred while out tracting/ contacting. He let us pet him and then continued walking around with us while we invited people to visit Family Search so that way they could learn more about their families.

The life of a missionary is pretty structured so these small highlights keep our spirits up. It has really made me appreciate the small things in life that we can sometimes forget about when we get caught up in technology and society. Time with the family can help us recognize the beauty of life and realize the purpose for this world. Recently we had a stake conference and the stake president challenged everyone to put away the electronics completely during dinner and other family time (FHE, etc.) I want to extend this challenge to all of you so that way the bonds within your family can be strengthened. Church is an amazing place for your children to learn the gospel but doesn't even compare to learning in the home. Home should be their escape from the world, their safe haven, their place of learning. "Only the home can compare with the temple in sacredness" (Bible Dictionary: Temple)

 I hope y'all have a good week and remember to cherish the small things in life. That's what we have to do and that's why we're always smiling :)

Elder Puzey

Meeting Elder Gavarett


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