Week 40: 'That's a Ferrari'
So last night we were mobbin around the hood trying to catch some of our investigators and potential investigators at home so we could teach them repentance and while we were thinking about where to go while stopped at a stop sign I catch a glimpse of a pair of tail lights. It took me a second to register what vehicle it was so about half way through the intersection it clicks and I tell Elder Nordgren, "That's a FERRARI" and I crank the wheel to the right and speed off towards the direction that it was heading. "But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance." (1 Ne. 1:20)
In other news, this week we had a lesson with our investigator Dave. We have two investigators named Dave so we call this one groovy Dave. His vocabulary is hilarious and consists of things like:
"Well I'll be darned"
"Okay, okay 10-4"
"Oh okay, gotcha gentlemen"
He's super cool and I think he understands the unique message that we have. We were sitting out in his front lawn (he actually has grass which is pretty rare up here) and we had a great discussion with him about church and the Book of Mormon and the things that he needs to do in order to know of the truthfulness of what we say for himself.
Sadly we have been having a pretty difficult time meeting with a lot of our investigators just because they seem to never be home when we try them and they're busy ALL THE TIME. But we know that those who are prepared will find a way to make things happen. God has a way of doing that.
Vivian is doing great! So thank you all for your prayers. We went over the other day to teach her some of the last few points of doctrine before her baptismal interview (which is tomorrow!) and she said, "This is my new cigarette" while holding a pen. For a split second I was freaking out in my head like NOOOOOYOUCANTDOTHATEITHERVIVIAN because I thought it was a vape pen but she went on to explain that she just needs something in her fingers. Pheww that was close.
Other exciting things:
Elder Nordgren fell into a cactus while trying to hop an invisible fence
We saw a HUGE airbus A380 and 3 jets
We saw a Ferrari. I'm not too familiar with Ferrari's but I think it was a black 430
I'm sorry that there aren't a lot of pictures again. We're running out of tumble weeds and Joshua Trees to take pictures with. I'll do better I promise.
Our Ward Mission Leader gave a talk about using "Mormon terms" in our everyday conversations to help bring souls unto Christ. He shared an experience at work: He said that he was really tired from fasting when he got to work since he ate three meals worth of food for dinner. A co-worker noticed that he was tired and when they asked instead of simply saying "yeah, "I'm tired" he said that he was tired because he fasted and then over ate for dinner. The co-worker inquired about fasting and he was able to explain that we fast monthy and donate what we would have spent. It didn't go further than that but the neat thing is that you can share the gospel without "forcing it onto people" by simply using Mormon lango and THEY will ask the questions. I challenge all of you to apply this in your lives. If they're interested they'll ask questions if they're not then they wont.
Love you all!
Elder Puzey
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