Week 69: Face2Face

This week was pretty good down here in Southern California. On Saturday we met up with Amanda. We found Amanda last week when Elder Talbot and I were on exchanges. While we were having our first lesson with her I feel like I got a slight glimpse of how God sees us. Amanda has a lot of tattoos and told us she considers herself a tom boy. She looks and acts the part giving us a few short stories from her spotty past. But what's amazing is that none of that matters. When I looked at her I was simply glad that she was sitting there talking to us, recognizing that she needed a slight course correction. She was open and she was sharing the light that she had with us, as limited as it was, she treasured it. And we sit there so glad that she is at least willing to try to gain more light. And there we are with a message that will change her life forever. It won't be easy, it isn't easy for any of us, but it will be worth that and we know that.

I think that is how God sees us. He can see our past like we wear it on our skin. He knows we need a course correction but we tell Him anyways. He's just happy that we're here, alive, and talking to Him. Sharing with Him the light we have received as small as it might be compared to His glory. And He's happy that we're here at least willing to try. He know's we're going to fail sometimes, He knows we're going to get a little beat up but he also knows how much it's going to be worth it when He gets to teach us everything that He wants to. 

Yesterday we had our first meeting as a new YSA ward! We had a pretty good crowd of about 45 YSA members not counting us as missionaries and the leaders. The missionaries from the other YSA ward came so we get to have ward-mates again. Elder Stewart is one of those other missionaries. He was in my zone when I first got to Hesperia. He had been out for two month at that point and he's about to hit his year mark! Crazy how fast the time goes looking back on it. We got to watch the YSA face2face which was a nice change. We didn't have a ton of YSAs show up at the stake center but if I was home I'd probably watch it on my phone too so I can't blame them too much.

Today is transfer day! Elder Worsham and the rest of the missionaries in our apartment aren't getting transferred so not a lot of changes for us but some pretty big changes for the rest of the zone. 

Love you all!

Elder Puzey

YSA Games Minute to Win It Winner!

Happy Birthday 
Before I am done for the day I just wanted to wish you both a happy Birthday. Next year I'll be able to tell you in person! The longer I'm out here in the mission the more I realize how strong of a foundation I was built on because of the hard work you two put in. Really no matter what it is whether it be how to clean, the gospel or companion relationships I feel like I have the advantage thanks to y'all. Luckily I will be able to follow your examples far into my life and especially in the near future. I love you both, I'll see you soon. 

Elder Puzey 


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