Week 45: Down to the Valley

So after 4 months in Hesperia with Elder Nordgren we both got transferred out. Pretty sad cause we had a lot of good things happening the past couple of weeks or so. More on that later. I am down in Rancho Cucamonga as a Zone Leader still with my new companion Elder Bryner. Elder Bryner was a district leader in my zone the first transfer that I was in Hesperia so that's pretty cool. He's a great guy and a hard worker so I'm excited for these next few weeks with him! Now for a little recap of my last week in Hesperia: We left the area with two people on date to get baptized. Austin and Devin. I've talked about them both before but here's a quick reminder. Austin is the boyfriend of the Young Women's President. Devin is the son of a less-active lady in the ward. The Bear Valley ward isn't going to get replacement elders (the whole mission is losing missionaries so a lot of wards are dropping down to one set, it is not because we are bad missionaries (I...