Week 41: Too Sweet

This week went by pretty quickly even though it didn't feel like a whole lot happened. Some good things: 1) Vivian passed her baptismal interview!!! So we are excited for this weekend when she'll be baptized and confirmed. 2) Her returning less-active nephew got interviewed and was sustained to receive the Priesthood and he's getting ordained tonight so he might/maybe/could baptize his aunt! 3) A woman named Mama Shirley moved back into the ward after being away for a few months and she is hilarious! She's making a bunch of fried chicken for the party after Vivian's baptism. 4) We had a stake coordination meeting and the Stake President (who's in our ward) was really pleased with the progress in the zone. S/O to Hesperia A for being loaded up with awesome missionaries. Some not so good: 1) Forgot to mention it in last weeks email but Elder Nordgren fell into a cactus lol. He's fine though. 2) Devin, our part member investigator STILL has...