Week 15: 15 and Pregnant

Editor's Note: Elder Puzey did not send any pics this week so attaching one his sister took while traveling through his mission this week while going to Disneyland. No she did not stop, but as a mom it is weird to think they are so close to each other right now! So this week has been back to the normal grind. Not too much to report but we should be having a baptism coming up in a few weeks if everything continues as planned. Right now Elder Etheridge and I are down the hill in Rancho Cucamonga. Elder Etheridge is being whitewashed into the Big Bear area which is like a resort place that a lot of people visit to go hiking/skiing/ other recreational activities. I am staying put in Adelanto/Samoan and I will find out who my son is (the new missionary I'll be training) tomorrow, so that's exciting. I'm sorry that there isn't too much to report this week, I'm sure next week will be more interesting. I just want to remind y'all how important missionary wor...