Week 91: Reed and Cynthia
Well unfortunately Jade won't be able to get baptized this month because she'll be at her dad's the whole month but we're shooting for early March.
This week was really nice. We had stuff to do pretty much every day which is always clutch. Don't have much time so here are the highlights:
Wednesday: Got to do service in the morning for Kim. She's been interested in the gospel or at least talking to missionaries so when we found out she was moving she took us up on our offers to help her out. Then we got to do some more service for a recent convert family in our ward by helping them put their barn door back together.
Thursday: We got to take a good ol Rancho Trip. We had our monthly MLC meeting. Super nice to be able to see all the old mission friends again. Thursday night we exchanged with the Assistants to the President.
Friday: I was with Elder Keith for most of the day. We had a great time together! He got baptized when he was in high school and decided to serve a mission. We had a grand time talking about rap, cars and girls. We did service in the morning for Kim again and then after lunch we got to do service for a part-member family in our ward. Most of the time we help them clean out the garage but Elder Keith was spared and instead we got to help clear a tree limb that had fallen in the crazy wind.
Saturday: We had a great day on Saturday. It started off with the baptism of Reed and his wife Cynthia. Reed was an excommunicated member so even though his wife was a convert baptism only certain people were invited. A missionary that recently returned from his mission came with his dad and it was pretty cool to see. He got to confirm Reed as a member of the church. After the baptism service we were able to help a family that we're teaching finish up a little wood structure that they're building as part of their horse corral. Afterwards we found three new people to teach! Dorothy and her daughter Rachel are golden an we've already invited them to get baptized on March 2nd. At the end of the night we got a call that an older lady in the ward that we love was in the hospital so we zoomed on over there. Turns out that one of our recent converts daughters was also there. Sadly she had tried overdosing so that's what landed her in the hospital. We were hoping to give her a blessing but she didn't have her own room yet so there wasn't anything we could do. Both should make good recoveries. Keep them in your prayers though. Especially that the daughter might be more receptive to things we have to share.
Sunday: We were expecting like 22 people at church so it was a pretty big bummer when only two showed up. But you win some and you lose some. Cynthia didn't walk into the chapel until about 12 after the meeting started so we were sweating bullets. Thankfully she got confirmed and is now officially a member! So happy for their family. Not too much else happened Sunday.
Overall things have been going really well here! My comp and I are having a blast and we're seeing some great work here in our area. Love you all very much!
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