Week 89: Look mom I touched the net
Another great week here in Hesperia! It's been so nice to spend so much time teaching. We've been able to continue to meet with Jade and help her keep on preparing for her baptism on February 9th. She's doing really well and it doesn't look like anything is going to change. We were blessed with the opportunity to have President Nickolaisen join us for a lesson with the X family. Because we're having a convert baptism and a re-baptism he was able to set everything up for their baptism service on the 9th of February. Our next lesson will be at the church so we can show them the font and get their baptismal jumpsuits!
The Ibarra family was able to come to church again and this time Steve, a boyfriend, was able to come as well! They stayed for both hours and everyone seemed comfortable going to their organizations for second hour. Most of our lessons with them are at a member's house which has been a huge help.
We had our Stake Coordination meeting on Thursday and it was pretty amazing to see the difference in the stake from a year ago to now. It has helped to remind me that a lot of missionary work that we do will go seemingly unknown but will eventually yield fruits. Makes me feel bad that missionaries can't always be there to reap their own fruits but also reminds me that the work I do could benefit a missionary years down the line.
We had a meeting with the district leaders and our one sister training leader on Friday where we were able to talk about some miscellaneous stuff. We had good discussions about how to help struggling missionaries as their leaders and also took some time to talk about stewardship. That was a good chance to minister to our district leaders and STL, answer questions and set some goals. The zone has a good group of missionaries and I'm not just saying that because two of them are missionaries I've trained.
We played some basketball this morning, it's been really nice to have some good basketball every week. Then we all got lunch together at Chipotle and had a jolly ol time. Your boy grabbed rim with both hands for the first time today so we're getting close to ready for those college intramurals.
Love you all very much and hope you have a great week!
Elder Puzey
Tracting dog #???????
Last week's Nuggie Bowl
Helping a family clean out their parent's house. Killed two black widows
Second son Elder Worsham
We had Cajon style shrimp and I also got to try squid and lobster!
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