Week 85: That week between Christmas and New Years when you don't know what day it is

Well probably lots to update on since I didn't really feel like writing much last week. Recap of last week in pictures: 1. We got arrested! Jk some guy got arrested outside and so the doors were locked and we had to bang on them to get in. 2. Christmas eve! 3. Trip to the mall! This week was pretty good. Can't beat being able to FaceTime the family and talk. On Thursday we did our usual weekly service at the community farm and some of the other elders in the zone have been joining and we've started a tradition of going to eat lunch afterwards so all the Christmas gift cards have come in clutch. On Friday we did some service for Larry. So Larry has an adopted grandson, a granddaughter and a grandson-in-law that live with him. He's getting pretty old so it's hard for him to clean and stuff like that. So we volunteered to help clean up the backyard in preparation for their new years party/BBQ. As we clean up the back porch and the lawn we got to...