Week 70 : Hennessey Charger

Spiritual stuff: Sadly we didn't teach any new people this week but we did have a new family move into the ward. The mother just got baptized like a month ago and they want their two children baptized! They aren't there everyday so meeting with them will still be kinda tough but we'll make it happen. David was able to make it to church, he is still struggling with smoking and his mom has been having health issues recently so he's been pretty stressed out which doesn't help at all. We've decided to start over with the lessons to make sure that he's keeping all the commitments that we have for him to hopefully get some more progression going. 

Less spiritual: So the other day were were out tracting in the early hours before it got too hot. When we finished we were driving home and we noticed the stop light was out of power and that across the street there was a gated community with it's gate open (since the power on the block was out). So we decided to go take a peak at some of the houses that we never have been able to see before. Lemme tell ya there were some nice houses. But y'all don't read my emails for the homes, you read them for the cars so here we go:
A Ford F-650 which looked like a privatley owned fire truck and a McLaren 720s at the same house. Then there was a Mercedes AMG GT. I'm sure there were many more cars trapped behind the confines of garage doors :(
So later that same day we were heading back out to our area after eating lunch and Elder Worsham was like, Wait what's that?? But we had already passed the parking lot so I couldn't see it. He promised me that it would be worth it so we took a left and went into the parking lot. Turns out there was a brand new Acura NSX. We snapped a picture and then we headed towards the person we were going to try next. As soon as we get onto the street a really nice looking Charger drives by us and I saw a Hennessey badge on the back so I got behind it. I'll send a video that I told Elder Worsham he'd want to take, it doesn't do it justice but it's all we could get. It was a very rare Hennessey Charger Hellcat with over 1,000 horsepower. It was a good day.

Let's go BYU!!

I hope everyone has a good week. Make sure to prepare yourself for General Conference coming up soon! 

Elder Puzey

New Suit Style
 McLaren 720s
Acura NSX
Housemates: Puzey, ?, Worsham and Driggs


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