Week 68: Earthquake

Well I guess we weren't having enough variety and fun so an earthquake was sent our way when we were having a lesson with David. Haha I've never seen him move so quickly but before I knew it he was already outside looking for the gas turn off valve. 

Some big news in the YSA. Our YSA ward is combining with a YSA branch from the Ontario stake. This means that we will have ward mates which will be pretty fun! Also, because we are combining with the Ontario stake I have now officially covered every area in our entire mission. 

We were on exchanges with the Spanish elders again this week but I stayed in our area this time so I couldn't just sit back and relax like last week. While Elder Talbot and I were tracting we talked to this older lady named Rose for a few minutes and then she let us in to talk to the family. They're actually native American which is pretty cool. Frank was her son and it sounded like he had spoken with missionaries before because he would ask some edgy questions but he was also really nice. They all said they would pray about what we shared so hopefully Frank (specifically) prays with real intent. 

We took a hike earlier today so I'll attach some pictures. The libraries are closed today so this one is sorta short since typing on the phone is terrible as always. 

Love you all, have a good Week!
Elder Puzey

 Basic Missionary Picture
Pano from the hike
Tracting dog number ???


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