
Showing posts from September, 2018

Week 71: Brian

Warning, sad story time: So over a month ago we were in the YSA ward sacrament meeting and when it finished and we were filing out of the chapel a member of our family ward grabbed us and told us that some random guy had walked into church. He was already gone but luckily they got his name and phone number and they told us that he said he felt like he should come and learn a little more. We sat down right then and called him but he didn't answer so we left a message on his phone. We then tried to text him a few days later but never get a response. On Friday we were doing some of our weekly planning and we remembered that we hadn't tried to contact him in a few weeks so we gave him a call. This was the conversation we had: *Phone ringing* BD: "Hello" EP: "Hello is this Brian?" BD: "No this is his father." EP: "Oh, a friend from church told us that Brian came to church a few weeks back and might be interested in learning...

Week 70 : Hennessey Charger

Spiritual stuff: Sadly we didn't teach any new people this week but we did have a new family move into the ward. The mother just got baptized like a month ago and they want their two children baptized! They aren't there everyday so meeting with them will still be kinda tough but we'll make it happen. David was able to make it to church, he is still struggling with smoking and his mom has been having health issues recently so he's been pretty stressed out which doesn't help at all. We've decided to start over with the lessons to make sure that he's keeping all the commitments that we have for him to hopefully get some more progression going.  Less spiritual: So the other day were were out tracting in the early hours before it got too hot. When we finished we were driving home and we noticed the stop light was out of power and that across the street there was a gated community with it's gate open (since the power on the block was out). So we decided to...

Week 69: Face2Face

This week was pretty good down here in Southern California. On Saturday we met up with Amanda. We found Amanda last week when Elder Talbot and I were on exchanges. While we were having our first lesson with her I feel like I got a slight glimpse of how God sees us. Amanda has a lot of tattoos and told us she considers herself a tom boy. She looks and acts the part giving us a few short stories from her spotty past. But what's amazing is that none of that matters. When I looked at her I was simply glad that she was sitting there talking to us, recognizing that she needed a slight course correction. She was open and she was sharing the light that she had with us, as limited as it was, she treasured it. And we sit there so glad that she is at least willing to try to gain more light. And there we are with a message that will change her life forever. It won't be easy, it isn't easy for any of us, but it will be worth that and we know that. I think that is how God sees ...

Week 68: Earthquake

Well I guess we weren't having enough variety and fun so an earthquake was sent our way when we were having a lesson with David. Haha I've never seen him move so quickly but before I knew it he was already outside looking for the gas turn off valve.  Some big news in the YSA. Our YSA ward is combining with a YSA branch from the Ontario stake. This means that we will have ward mates which will be pretty fun! Also, because we are combining with the Ontario stake I have now officially covered every area in our entire mission.  We were on exchanges with the Spanish elders again this week but I stayed in our area this time so I couldn't just sit back and relax like last week. While Elder Talbot and I were tracting we talked to this older lady named Rose for a few minutes and then she let us in to talk to the family. They're actually native American which is pretty cool. Frank was her son and it sounded like he had spoken with missionaries before because he wou...