Week 71: Brian

Warning, sad story time: So over a month ago we were in the YSA ward sacrament meeting and when it finished and we were filing out of the chapel a member of our family ward grabbed us and told us that some random guy had walked into church. He was already gone but luckily they got his name and phone number and they told us that he said he felt like he should come and learn a little more. We sat down right then and called him but he didn't answer so we left a message on his phone. We then tried to text him a few days later but never get a response. On Friday we were doing some of our weekly planning and we remembered that we hadn't tried to contact him in a few weeks so we gave him a call. This was the conversation we had: *Phone ringing* BD: "Hello" EP: "Hello is this Brian?" BD: "No this is his father." EP: "Oh, a friend from church told us that Brian came to church a few weeks back and might be interested in learning...