Week 2: Tender Mercies
This week I have seen many instances of tender mercies. For those of you who know me then you'll know that I love cars. Being inside the MTC has allowed me only to be able to listen for the song of my people through the exhaust notes of cars I cannot see. But on Sundays we always walk to the temple and that is when I have been able to receive some 'tender mercies' from the Lord. Last Sunday there was a beautiful blue BMW M2 in the parking lot and a Mercedes C63 AMG was leaving the parking lot and composed a beautiful symphony to my ears. This Sunday the Lord blessed me again as I watched a Nissan GT-R turn onto Temple View Road and proceeded to accelerate up the hill. I can't wait to get to Rancho Cucamonga and see all the cars there.
The MTC has been awesome thus far and tomorrow we are going to gain two more branches to our district. The new MTC will be finished and moved into the day that we fly out for California so that's a little unfortunate. During the Sunday night devotional they showed us pictures of the inside and outside of the new MTC and it looks amazing. They also showed us pictures of the other 14 MTCs which made us a little jealous because some of them also look amazing. I think the England MTC is my favorite.
One of my favorite moments this week was attending a devotional on Tuesday night. Elder Renlund spoke and I was able to shake his hand. It was AWESOME! Another experience I want to share with y'all today happened on Friday. The day started out like every other day at the MTC, way too early. But because it's the MTC the Spirit is always there to help our mortal bodies. After the morning classroom time Elder Jensen and I were pulled aside by one of the sisters in our zone and she asked us if we could give her a blessing. I felt honored that she wanted us to do this for her and I was even more honored when she specifically asked me to do the blessing part (and my companion do the anointing). This was my second blessing ever, the first being my own mother. As I stood there preparing to place my hands upon her head I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes and immediately I could feel that a messenger from Heavenly Father was there to direct what I should say. They truly were things that only Heavenly Father could have known. I know that Heavenly Father loves all of His children and wants them to know of His love.
A few hours after the blessing we were teaching one of our investigators and because this was the last lesson we were going to be able to have with him before rotating we wanted to invite him again to be baptized. The Spirit was so strong in that room as I testified from a solid five minutes of the blessings that come from being baptized and how the gospel blesses families and individuals. Sadly he said he still needed to think about it and learn more about it but we know he felt the Spirit as strongly as I did. I know that this is the Lord's work and that those who want to know more about their Heavenly Father and their Savior Jesus Christ can do so by being baptized. For there is truly no other way back to our Father than that straight and narrow path that you enter through the covenant of baptism. "And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen." 2 Nephi 31 : 21
Love and miss you all
Elder Puzey
Branch Elders with Branch Presidency
District 35-B
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