Week 76: Biking

Well this week consisted of a lot of biking. Honestly it wasn't too bad, felt good to get fresh (very polluted) California air. What was less cool was the fact that we thought we covered the south area when in reality we cover the north part of the ward. So everyday up till Saturday we had been biking about 3 miles into our area which consists of going across train tracts on a bridge which makes it up hill both ways. Funny enough the road with the bridge was called Mountain, and it sure felt like one. Another headache was scrambling to get a baptism set up. Larry has been meeting with missionaries for a while and he's going to get baptized on Saturday. Well when I came into the area (7 days ago) I thought everything would be all lined up and ready to go but nope. On Wednesday I realized that he had still not been interviewed for baptism. We have a rule that people are supposed to be interviewed 10 days before they get baptized. Well it was Wednesday which is exactly 10...