Week 10: Stay Safe
Nothing too exciting has happened this week. The other day we went over to Tosin's house to try to fix his little refrigerator. One of our investigators taught us a little about refrigeration because he is taking an HVAC class, so we used our new knowledge to help out our best. Afterwards we went outside and saw a little memorial on the street and he told us that a few days ago there was a man working on a car to make a little bit of money for his family. He had to lift up the car but didn't have anything but a little bottle-neck jack and no jack stands. Sadly the car fell onto him and he didn't have any way of getting out or getting help. It was a strong reminder to me of how fast life can change or end. That's why it's so important that we always live a life in such a way that we are prepared to enter into the rest of God and not enter into an eternal regret. One of the ways that we can always be ready is relying on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Tosin has been an...