
Showing posts from May, 2017

Week 2: Tender Mercies

This week I have seen many instances of tender mercies. For those of you who know me then you'll know that I love cars. Being inside the MTC has allowed me only to be able to listen for the song of my people through the exhaust notes of cars I cannot see. But on Sundays we always walk to the temple and that is when I have been able to receive some 'tender mercies' from the Lord. Last Sunday there was a beautiful blue BMW M2 in the parking lot and a Mercedes C63 AMG was leaving the parking lot and composed a beautiful symphony to my ears. This Sunday the Lord blessed me again as I watched a Nissan GT-R turn onto Temple View Road and proceeded to accelerate up the hill. I can't wait to get to Rancho Cucamonga and see all the cars there.  The MTC has been awesome thus far and tomorrow we are going to gain two more branches to our district. The new MTC will be finished and moved into the day that we fly out for California so that's a little unfortunate.  During th...

Week 1: World War

The first day at the MTC feels like you're in a tornado with whirlwinds and shafts in the whirlwinds. It's fast paced and everything is new. Luckily there is always someone to point you in the right direction. Not even 20 minutes being here and our new district is in the classroom which is where we meet our companions for the first time. My companion is Elder Jensen who is from Bountiful and spent a year at Utah State. The other two elders are our roommates for our stay at the MTC. I'll save y'all the boring information about our time in the classroom and just get to the good stuff. The story behind the title originates on the first floor of our residence building. That is where all of the language missionaries are staying so many of them have been there for nine weeks and some even up to twelve. When we first moved in one of the elders on our floor lead us to the first floor to get drinks from the vending machine. He told us to prepare for the "World War"...