Week 32: Christmas Week

Well the biggest news is that I got to talk to the fam on Christmas which was awesome and it felt good to see their faces and hear their voices again. A couple different things happened this week. 1) We saw Santa get shot down. I'll send a couple of pictures and a video but we were driving to our dinner apointment when Elder Nordgren takes a look out the window and he's all like, "Holy Crap something just blew up in the sky, that's crazy!" So I pull the truck (more like half of it) off the road and hop out to take a look. We couldn't decide if we were seeing the beginning of World War Three, saw Santa get shot down or it was the beginning of the Second Coming. Well because we're missionaries we had absolutely no way of looking up what happened so when we went to dinner we asked them what happened. Apparently it was just a satellite rocket from the Space X program or something like that. Not even close to as cool as what we hyped up in our heads. 2)...