Week 102: 2 years later

Well this week was pretty fun! On Wednesday I was on exchanges with Elder Yumisaca who is from Honduras. His accent is hilarious and he's just a very fun guy to be around. Well during our exchange we got to teach these two sisters. Very humble circumstances. There was no furniture in the living room and just a tv so we sat on the fireplace mantle. After a few minutes I felt like I had really known these two girls before. So I started going through the past 23 months to see if I could figure it out. Then their mom came out and I totally recognized her and remember that they had lived with Diane way back when I was in my first area in Adelanto!! I remembered that when Diane got baptized they all came and that's when I met them first. Sooo cool!! Then on Thursday I was on a mini exchange with Elder Kunzler who is actually my grandson because Elder Worsham trained him. I was there for a few hours because his companion went down to the valley with my companion for a doctors...