Week 67 : Mi día como misionero español

Hey everyone how was your week?? My week was pretty good and we were able to have some good experiences. On Tuesday we basically were in meetings all day because in the morning we had our weekly district council and then we got to travel back to Rancho for the 4 week meeting. Basically 4 week is a meeting that new missionaries and their trainers go to to make sure that they don't want to kill each other. Luckily we don't. On Thursday we FINALLY taught a new person in the area. Her name is Kimberly and we tracted into her last week. We showed her a marked Book of Mormon and told her about it and why it's so important. We talked about our basic belief of Christ's true church being brought back to the earth. We offered her a free (unmarked) copy of the Book of Mormon but since mine looked so cool she asked if she could have it so I had to make another marked copy to tract with. Okay so back to Thursday. We show up at the time we scheduled (actually we ...