Week 58: Mike

So we had Mike show up to church this week so that was good to see! He said that he really enjoyed the talks and the meeting as a whole. Sadly he had to leave after sacrament but that's the third time that he's been to church. It has been amazing to see the members that have been working with Mike. If any of you forgot, Mike was referred to us when we got a random text from a member that said he was bringing his friend that had never been to our church yet. The members are really good friends with Mike and they're all in southern California doing summer sales and such. They've been answering all his questions, reading the Book of Mormon with him and bringing him to church. We have the lessons with Mike in one of the members home and they're always there and willing to bear testimony whenever we invite them too. Honestly they are all goals for being a returned missionary and doing member missionary work. Other than that we had some good lessons with some of o...