Week 49: #findjohn

Well this week wasn't too eventful in the teaching department. We did teach a new investigator named Don on Tuesday. He is Catholic and his son goes to Notre Dame so he has a pretty good understanding about authority. He seemed surprisingly accepting of the different things that we taught and he had real questions to ask us. He wondered if John was the last Apostle and if he never died then why isn't the whole world trying to find John? He said that with all the technology we have and phones and pictures that it should be easy for us to find him. He was mostly joking at this point but he brings up a good point. I think we should all try to find John. He's probably got a lot of stories he could tell us throughout the years. Maybe next time we go to teach Don we can tell him about the three Nephites?? Just kidding. I'm really enjoying living here in Rancho Cucamonga. It reminds me of California which I guess makes sense but being in the desert for 10 months made...