Week 37: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Good: Got to go on exchanges with Elder Conder. It was great to catch up with him and relive some good moments back in the Adelanto House. Gained 6 new investigators this week!!: Dave - we tracted into him. We asked him if he would be interested in learning more and he just thought for a second and then told us that it was time that he should learn more. We taught the restoration to him and answered his questions about some of our basic beliefs. Freddy - after we taught him the Restoration he said that he was really excited to read from the Book of Mormon and learn more from us! Mandy + Victor - tracted into a LONG time ago but we kept trying and we thought they were giving us the run around but they're just really busy. We taught them the Restoration and asked if they would pray to know the truth and they said that they would. Ula + Tiffany - don't really know how solid they are because Ula is 87 and Tiffany is like 10 so comprehension mig...