Week 28: The Liahona

So we've been here for a week now so we're starting to get things figured out. This week actually flew by for me cause we were super busy! So Monday was transfers and that takes the whole day so that was over instantly. On Tuesday we were down in Rancho again to help bring up the luggage of the new missionaries in our zone. On Thursdays the assistants came up to the desert to talk to us and the other two zone leaders in our stake. All four of us have never been zone leaders before and have never had a companion that was a zone leader so they answered the questions that we had and walked us through some of our responsibilities and such. It was much needed. On Saturday we were back down in Rancho (I'm not complaining cause I love the valley) to go on exchanges with the APs. They live in the backyard of a members house and they call it a barn but the inside is exactly like a house and it is so nice! It's probably 3 times the size of our apartment. While on exchanges Elder ...